Industry news

ICS TRIPLEX T8151B Programmable controller technology

Classify:Industry news |Time:2022-10-29 10:24:35

ICS TRIPLEX T8151B Programmable controller technology

Please observe in particular: • The earthing measures • The handling of the electrically isolated input groups • The handling of the electrically isolated output groups • The connection of shielded analog cables • The earthing of the switch-gear cabinet mains socket Connection of the supply voltage The 24 V DC supply voltage is connected via a 5-pole detachable screw-type terminal block. Attention: Plug and unplug terminal block only with power is off!The terminals 40 and 41 (L+) as well as 42 and 43 (M) are connected to each other via the printed circuit board. If the power supply is looped through, these two connections must not be burdened with currents higher than 4 A.Please take also into consideration that supply voltages which are looped through are disconnected for the following devices when the plug is withdrawn. If higher currents are to be conducted without interruption possibility, the two wires for M have to be connected under the same terminal. The same applies for L+.


Connection for the CS31 system bus

The connection to the CS31 system bus is made by means of a 3-pole detachable terminal block. Please observe: • All of the AC31 devices, no matter whether they are master or slave devices, are connected with twistedpair bus line as follows: – One core of the bus line is looped through via the BUS1 terminals of all devices to be connected to the CS31 system bus. – The other core of the bus line is looped through via the BUS2 terminals of all devices to be connected to the CS31 system bus. • If the basic unit 07 KT 98 is located at the beginning or at the end of the bus line, the bus terminating resistor (120 Ω) has to be connected additionally between the BUS1 and BUS2 terminals. • The shield of the twisted-pair bus line is looped through via the SHIELD terminals of all the devices to be connected to the CS31 system bus. • The handling of the CS31 system bus is described in detail in volume 2, System data.

Connection of the digital inputs

The 24 digital inputs are arranged in three groups of 8 inputs each. – The three groups E 62,00...E 62,07, E 62,08...E 62,15 and E 63,08...E 63,15 are electrically isolated from each other. – The inputs use 24V signals in positive logic (1 = +24 V). – The signal delay of the inputs is configurable to 7 ms (default) or 1 ms (see "System technology").


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