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  • ASML 4022-502-25243 Lithographic Elliptical Mirror
ASML 4022-502-25243 Lithographic Elliptical Mirror

ASML 4022-502-25243 Lithographic Elliptical Mirror

ASML 4022-502-25243 Lithographic Elliptical Mirror

Product Details Introduction

ASML 4022-502-25243 lithographic elliptical lens, also known as elliptical optical lens, is an optical component commonly used in semiconductor lithography, especially in microelectronic chip manufacturing. Its main function is to transform the shape of the light beam from a circular shape to an oval shape, using the optical gate in a vertical chamber lithography machine to achieve micron or submicron level pattern changes on silicon wafers.

The key features and applications of ASML 4022-502-25243 photolithographic elliptical mirrors include:

Oval Beam Mastery: ASML 4022-502-25243 Photolithography Elliptical Mirrors are typically used to transform circular beams into oval shapes, as in semiconductor processes, oval shaped patterns need to be projected onto silicon wafers to meet specific planning requirements. These patterns typically contain small circuit components such as transistors and capacitors.

Polarization control: ASML 4022-502-25243 lithographic elliptical mirrors can also be used to control the polarization status of light to ensure the required pattern changes. Polarization is an important characteristic of optical patterns, especially in advanced semiconductor manufacturing.

Refraction and Core Mastery: The ASML 4022-502-25243 photoresist elliptical mirror can grasp the refraction and core position of the beam by changing its curvature, as requested by the chamber lithography machine.

Multi layer coating: In order to improve the performance of ASML 4022-502-25243 photoresist elliptical mirrors, multiple layers of film are usually coated on their surface to increase reflectivity, scattering, and transmittance.

Optimization of lithography process: The ASML 4022-502-25243 lithography elliptical mirror plays a crucial role in semiconductor technology, which can improve the resolution, linewidth, aiming, and delivery efficiency of chips. Therefore, they need to be carefully planned and calibrated to ensure optimal pattern changes.

Product image


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