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CI522A 3BSE018283R1 Numerical control system

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Brand advantage: Allen Bradley, BentlyNevada, ABB, Emerson Ovation, Honeywell DCS, Rockwell ICS Triplex, FOXBORO, Schneider PLC, GE Fanuc, Motorola, HIMA, TRICONEX, Prosoft etc. Various kinds of imported industrial parts

CI522A 3BSE018283R1 Numerical control system

E. Setting instructions Settings: Reference current IB set Enabling current I-Start Multiplier k1-Setting Minimum operating time t-min Duration of validity for the inverse char. tg Maximum delay t-max Resetting time t-Reset The rotor overload function protects the rotor winding of generators against excessive temperature rise as a result of overcurrents. The function is applicable to turbogenerators designed according to the American standard ASA-C50.13 or a similar standard defining overload capability. It is connected to c.t's in the AC excitation supply. It may not be used for brushless excitation systems. Providing compensation using the reference value of the A/D channel has not been made, the reference current IB for the protection is calculated from the AC load current IB1 of the excitation supply, which is usually the same as the full load excitation current, and the c.t. rated currents IN1 and IN2 as follows: IB I I I B N2 N  1 1 The setting is the ratio IB/IN, IN being the rated current of the protection. The multiplier k1 is 33.8 s for units designed according to ASA. For units with a similar overload capacity: k1 =       m n n [s; s; K] where: : thermal time constant of the rotor m : maximum permissible temperature rise of the rotor winding n : rated temperature rise of the rotor winding.


(Overtemp) A. Application Overtemperature protection using a thermal image of the protected unit. B. Features  selectable thermal image for:  1st. order model  universal thermal image defined by the impulse response of the thermal system (see Fig.  alarm and tripping stages  adjustable initial temperature rise  extended thermal time constant when stationary  takes account of temperature coefficient of resistance  insensitive to d.c. components  insensitive to harmonics  single or three-phase measurement  highest phase value detection in the multi-phase mode  independent scaling of the impulse response for the universal thermal image (entry of a table)  40 temperature rise calculations per thermal time constant (for 1st. order model) or 200 calculations per duration of the impulse response.

Theta-Begin Initial temperature rise. This is the temperature rise from which the protection starts after it has been initialised, i.e. after switching on or after saving new parameter settings. A setting of 100 % is recommended for a unit, which is already warm; a setting of 0 % is recommended for a unit starting at room temperature in order to obtain the maximum utilisation during the start-up period.

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