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NI SCXI-1125 Measure the voltage module

NI SCXI-1125 Measure the voltage module

   The station number defined in data base differs from the value defined on the address switch on the front panel of the CI810. • The bus number defined in data base differs from value defined on BUSNO terminal on CI520/CI522 data base element or the bus terminal on the CI626/CI627 data base element. • If the bus is not terminated, it will not work properly. To restart CI810 set the IMPL terminal in the data base. If the data base is correctly defined and correct address is set on CI810 the next step is to force a restart of the module: 1. Remove the Advant Fieldbus 100 bus cable from the CI810 for at least five seconds before setting it back again. 2. If this does not work a rough way to restart the module is to break the power. Pull out one of the power cables and put it back again. 3. If the module still don’t work try to replace it with another.

In Operation with Error Indications 

The background supervision of S800 I/O Station automatically detects some errors on the communication interface of the CI810. S800 I/O Stations are always supervised by Advant Controller 400 Series or Advant Controller 110 and the status messages are displayed on the DIAG terminal of the Advant Fieldbus 100s data base element, the possible values on the DIAG terminal are listed in CI810 Status Information on page 105.For details regarding the error detection in AC 800M controller and CI869, see the AC 800M Controller Hardware and Operation (3BSE036351*) manual. In Operation with Error Indications The error and warning indication for CI869 and AC 800M controller is displayed in the Unit Status tab of the corresponding hardware editor in the Control Builder. Table 50 describes the various status that appear in the Unit Status of CI869.

DataSet Peripheral Errors

 When the communication interface detects errors in connection with DataSet Peripheral communication, they are indicated by clearing the VALID attribute of the DataSet Peripheral element. In addition to that the ERR attribute of the communication interface is set. In the following sections, the built in supervisions that may cause the VALID attribute to be cleared (and the ERR attribute of the module), are described.


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