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DS200DCFBG1BJB Gas turbine module

DS200DCFBG1BJB Gas turbine module

  The communication interfaces CI520, CI522 and CI526 use TC512/TC516 as external modems for twisted pair media. CI527 uses integrated Twp modems. AC70 and S800 I/O Station contains internal modems for twisted pair media. The modems are able to drive a 750 meter (2500 ft.) of 150 ohms twisted pair cable with 32 AF 100 Stations connected. The bus cable can be connected directly to the AF 100 Stations and modems or through a Connection unit TC505/TC506,In TC505/TC506 all shield connections (SH) are connected internally, + connections are internally connected vertically and - connections are internally connected vertically. In Figure 97 a schematic picture over how the cables must be connected and the terminal connection in TC505/TC506 is shown.

Coaxial Cable Modem TC625

 The coaxial cable modem TC625 provides a connection between the CI520, CI522 and the CI526 communication interface and the Advant Fieldbus 100 coaxial bus. It implements a transceiver/modem function for one bus. Figure 99 shows a TC625. If redundant cables shall be installed, it requires two TC625. In Figure 7 the principle connection with redundant cables is shown. Electric characteristics of the Advant Fieldbus 100 coaxial cable interface: • Output voltage 6.3...7.3 V • Output current max. 0.4 A • Input voltage 4.0...7.3 V • Input impedance typical. 50 kohm • Test voltage 500 Vrms/1 min.• Maximum number of stations per segment 80 • Maximum difference in redundant cables 1200 m (4000 ft.) length between any two stations on the bus. For connection of communication interfaces and modems to Advant Fieldbus 100 and termination of Advant Fieldbus 100 there are special connection and termination kits.

Coaxial/Optical Modem TC630 

The optical cable modem TC630 provides a point-to-point duplex optical cable connection between two Advant Fieldbus 100 coaxial networks. For the function of the bus the TC630 is total transparent. Figure 100 shows a TC630. Since it provides a point-to-point connection, it always requires two TC630 to realize a connection, see Figure 8. Each Optical Cable Modem TC630 must be calculated as 150 meters cable equivalent.The ADJustment potentiometer on the front panel is used to decrease the signal in the optical fiber. It shall normally be set to max (clockwise). If distortion occurs due to signal overload no contact between stations can be established or the contact is lost periodically. In case of distortion, attenuation can be made by screwing ADJust counter clockwise (ccw).


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