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IS230TVBAH2A Gas turbine electrical module

IS230TVBAH2A Gas turbine electrical module

Normal operation begins after the FEC module completes the communication checks of all input channels. During operation, the function code specifications can be tuned through an INFI 90 OPEN operator interface. Refer to the Function Code Application Manual for more information on function code 132 (analog input) and function code 133 (smart transmitter definition). NOTE: On-line configuration changes which affect the mode of operation are not supported for function codes 132 and 133. A mode change (reset) of the MFP or FEC module may be required for changes to take effect. For IMFEC11 modules, smart transmitter parameters can be viewed or modified using the handheld Type STT02/03 smart transmitter terminal. View only is possible when the FEC module is present and the FEC channel is on-line. View or modify is possible without the FEC module present or when the FEC channel is off-line. Figure 4-1 shows how the Type STT02/03 terminal connects to the NTFB01 termination unit.


 The IMFEC1 module has two LEDs (red/green) on its faceplate that indicate module status. Figure 4-2 shows the location of the status LEDs on the FEC faceplate. Refer to Table 4-1 for a list of LED states and their meaning.This section explains how to detect IMFEC1 analog input module errors and the corrective action to take for those errors. Status reports from the control module are available through any INFI 90 OPEN operator interface such as an operator interface station (OIS), configuration and tuning terminal (CTT) or an IBM® AT compatible computer with the SmartLink transmitter management software package.


To determine if the error number belongs to the IMFEC1  module, check the function block to find the function code assigned to the block. If the block is function code 132, then the status report refers to the FEC module. Table 5-1 lists the meaning of FEC status report error codes and corrective actions. From the module summary display on the operator interface, call up the I/O SLAVE status report. The status report will display specific FEC module and smart transmitter error codes when an error occurs. The status report lists the following: I/O SLAVE ERROR NUMBER (#), SLAVE ADDRESS (#), BLOCK NUM. (#) NOTE: The instruction for your particular operator interface will explain how to access the module summary display


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