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  • HIER464920P0001 Output module
  • HIER464920P0001 Output module
  • HIER464920P0001 Output module
HIER464920P0001 Output module HIER464920P0001 Output module HIER464920P0001 Output module

HIER464920P0001 Output module

HIER464920P0001 Output module

The drive parameter and data set information is mapped into a 4xxxx register area. This holding register area can be read from an external device, and an external device can modify the register values by writing to them. There are no setup parameters for mapping the data to the 4xxxx register. The mapping is pre-defined and corresponds directly to the drive parameter grouping which is being used by the local drive panel. All parameters are available for both reading and writing. The parameter writes are verified for correct value, and for valid register addresses. Some parameters never allow writes (including actual values), some parameters allow write only when the drive is stopped (including setup variables), and some can be modified at any time (including actual reference values).

Register Mapping

 The drive parameters are mapped to the 4xxxx area so that: • 40001 – 40096 are reserved for data sets. • 40101 – 49999 are reserved for parameters. In this mapping, the thousands and hundreds correspond to the group number, while the tens and ones correspond to the parameter number within a group. Register addresses 4GGPP are shown in Table 6-1 Parameter Mapping. In this table GG is the group number, and PP is the parameter number within the group.

The register addresses which 

are not allocated to any drive parameter or data set are invalid. No reads or writes are allowed for these addresses. If there is an attempt to read or write outside the parameter addresses, the Modbus interface will return an exception code to the controller. Refer to the drive manuals for its data sets, group and parameter numbers supported.The NMBA-01 module has been designed for time-optimised, reliable data transfer between the Modbus network and the drive.


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