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ABB 086318-002 086318-501 Control card

ABB 086318-002 086318-501 Control card

The default parameters of this module can be used in many applications. The module can be software-configured when it is installed in a PLC system, or an I/O Station controlled by a Network Interface Unit that supports software configuration, as listed on the previous page. The module is configured at startup. After configuration, the module begins providing signals from the voltage or current output devices connected to it to the CPU or NIU.Channel Active: Each channel can be configured as either active or inactive. If a channel is inactive, it is not scanned and a value of 0 is returned by the module. Input Units: Inputs can be measured as tenths of Ohms, tenths of degrees C, or tenths of degrees F. The default is tenths of degrees C. The measurable ranges for each type of input units are shown below.

Low Alarm Limit and High Alarm Limit:

 Each input channel can have a low alarm limit and a high alarm limit. If an input reaches one of its limits, the module reports the actual value and sends the appropriate diagnostic input bit. Alarms do not stop the process or change the value of the input. Alarm limits can be set anywhere over the dynamic range of the signal. The range for each is –32,768 to +32,767. The high alarm limit must be greater than the low alarm limit. If alarm reporting is not wanted, alarm limits can be set beyond the dynamic range of the signal so they will never be activated.

Input Selection to Include RTD Type

 Each input channel can have a different RTD type. The module supports the RTD types listed below. If the actual RTD resistance does not match a defined type, an adjustment factor can be configured in tenths of ohms.The following illustration shows connections for 3-wire and 4-wire RTDs. No external power supply is required for this module. The excitation current for the RTDs is provided by the module, which automatically matches the excitation current to each configured RTD type


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