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MMI301 Microwave radio frequency

MMI301 Microwave radio frequency

Real (kW) Load Control 

• True RMS power calculations for rapid, accurate load control. 

• Smooth user chosen ramp rates into and out of each mode of operation. 

• Isochronous load sharing of up to 8 units based on percentage loading (allows different rated machines to proportionally balance kW loads). 

• Constant base loading for optimum fuel efficiency with discrete inputs to change load levels remotely. 

• Import/Export control with an external watt transducer. 

• Soft Utility Transfer Function 

• Externally adjustable Base Load or Process Reference Levels with independent ramp rates 

• kW droop provided for manual load control.

Reactive (kVAR) Control

 • VAR sharing on isolated busses based on percentage reactive load (allows different rated machines to proportionally balance kVAR loads).

 • Constant Power Factor or VAR control on units in Base Load or Process control mode. 

• Externally adjustable VAR or PF control reference levels. Automatic Generator Sequencing 

• Automatically starts additional EGCP-2 equipped generators when load exceeds a user specified percentage of the rated load of the operating machines.

 • Provides controlled unloads for engines when the load is low enough that the remaining engines will not exceed a user specified percentage of the rated load. 

• Engine priority sequence can be changed from any unit or from a PC to equalize run-time.

Generator Protective Features

 • Over/Under Voltage

 • Over/Under Frequency 

• Reverse Power (Inverse time delay) 

• Reverse VARs • Overcurrent (Inverse time delay)

 • Loss of Mains (Utility) detection

 • Speed/Frequency Mismatch 

• Load Surge 

• kVA Load Switch


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