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DO880-1 3BSE028588R1 processor input module

DO880-1 3BSE028588R1 processor input module

The EGCP-2’s Voltage Bias output is a dedicated analog output, which is used to bias the generator’s automatic voltage regulator for unit synchronization and reactive load control. The Voltage Bias output is software configurable for outputs of ±1 Vdc, ±3 Vdc, or ±9 Vdc.

Appendix C shows connections and adjustment procedures for some of these regulators. The regulators listed are examples of some of the more common regulators. There are always new regulators being introduced in the market and you should use these drawings as examples of possible connection scenarios. A common connection is an Accessory or Auxiliary input. This input takes a dc voltage, ±1 Vdc is common, to change the rated voltage of the generator by ±10%. So with any new regulator, check the specifications if this type input is available. An example is the Basler SSR regulator, see connection diagram in Appendix C.

The EGCP-2 only provides an analog

± Vdc output and will not function with any regulator that accepts discrete inputs only. An example of this is the Marathon 2000 DVR. The Speed and Voltage Bias Outputs will only drive into high impedance type inputs, and are limited to inputs, which have an input impedance of 1000 Ω or more.Discrete inputs are used by the EGCP-2 control to determine breaker positions and accept external control commands. Contacts must change state for a minimum of 40 milliseconds for the control to sense and register a change in state. All discrete inputs accept dry contacts only, with contact wetting voltage provided by the EGCP-2 control.

Speed/Load Raise and Lower Inputs

 The Speed/Load Raise and Lower inputs change based on the control mode of the EGCP-2. If the EGCP-2 control is in the Speed control mode (generator breaker open), these contact inputs can be used to raise and lower speed. If the EGCP-2 control is in the Baseload control mode (generator breaker closed, utility tie breaker closed), these contact inputs can be used to raise and lower unit baseload. If the EGCP-2 control is in the Process control mode (Process control enabled), these contact inputs can be used to raise and lower the process set point. If the EGCP-2 control is in the isochronous load sharing mode, the Speed Raise and Lower inputs are disabled.


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