Discrete Output #1—Mains Utility Breaker Close With the relay de-energized, this output has Normally Open (NO), terminals 5 and 6, and Normally Closed (NC), terminals 6 and 7, contacts to select from. The “Mains (utility) Breaker Close” relay output is utilized by the EGCP-2 to command the Mains (utility) Breaker to close. This output is configured for use with a BREAKER or a CONTACTOR in the Configuration menu under “CKT Breaker Control”. Every EGCP-2 that has the capability of being a MASTER unit must have this relay wired into the Mains (utility) Breaker close circuitry.
Breaker When in the Breaker configuration, the EGCP-2 will ENERGIZE (momentary) to close the Mains (utility) Breaker. The ENERGIZE time is determined by the “CB Hold Time” in the Synchronizer menu. Discrete Output #9 is used to open the mains breaker.
The “Mains Breaker Close” output is used to close and open the Mains Contactor. The “Mains Breaker Trip”, discrete output #10 is NOT used in the Contactor mode.The EGCP-2 will DE-ENERGIZE (continuously) to close the Mains Contactor and ENERGIZE (continuously) to open the Mains Contactor. This is reverse logic from the Generator Contactor Close, discrete output # 2. External logic will be needed to verify the contactors state when installing or replacing EGCP-2 controls and for multiple control systems. CAUTION—REMOVING POWER When power is removed from the EGCP-2, the “Mains Breaker Close” output will be in the De-energized state and attempt to close the Mains contactor.
Discrete Output #2—Generator Breaker Close
With the relay de-energized, this output has Normally Open (NO), terminals 8 and 9, and Normally Closed (NC), terminals 9 and 10, contacts to select from. The “Generator Breaker Close” relay output is utilized by the EGCP-2 to command the Generator Circuit breaker to close. This output is configured for use with a BREAKER or a CONTACTOR in the Configuration menu under “CKT Breaker Control”. Breaker When in the Breaker configuration, the EGCP-2 will ENERGIZE (momentary) to close the Generators Breaker. The ENERGIZE time is determined by the “CB Hold Time” in the Synchronizer menu. Discrete Output #10 is used to open the generators breaker