Home > Product > DCS control system > GFD212A 3BHE020356R0101 3BHE020357P201 module

GFD212A 3BHE020356R0101 3BHE020357P201 module

GFD212A 3BHE020356R0101 3BHE020357P201 module

There are nine status menus in the EGCP-2. Use the status keys on the face of the EGCP-2 to access these status menus. The information in the status menus is dynamic and updates about every 200 milliseconds. When the EGCP-2 is initially powered up, it will default to the System Status Screen. Below is an example of what the Screen may look like. The System Status Screen can be accessed while in any other status screen by pressing the SYSTEM key.

The Software Overview explains what information the EGCP-2 will display, and describes the configuration items in each menu. Application Manual 26175 shows the different combinations of discrete inputs and configuration settings for the various operating modes. The software used in the EGCP-2 uses state machine logic to operate all modes. State machine logic relies on discrete inputs and specific operating conditions to trigger a sequence of operations.

The screen displays the following information: 

Alarms: Number of active alarms on the unit. Unit #: The network address of the unit. Mains: A graphic display of the mains condition. Two minus symbols (--) indicate the mains are out of spec, one plus symbol indicates the mains are in spec, but not declared stable (+-), two plus symbols (++) indicate the mains are in spec and stable. Gen: A graphic display of the status of the generator. Two minus symbols (--) indicate the generator is out of spec, one plus symbol indicates the gen is in spec, but not declared stable (+-) two plus symbols (++) indicate the generator is in spec and stable.

Operating State: 

Shows if the EGCP-2 is in AUTO or MAN (manual) mode. Load Control State: Shows the state of the load control logic of the EGCP-2. 

The load control states are: Load Control States:

 • OFF 





 KW: The total kW load on the generator. Hz: The frequency, in Hertz, of the generator set. PF: The average three phase power factor of the generator set. KW-Hrs: The total accumulated kW hours produced by the generator set. This display automatically switches to MW-Hrs when the kW-Hour value exceeds 10 000. Display is updated every 0.1 MW-Hrs. Run-Time: The total accumulated run time of the generator set. Display is updated every run hour. All the display information will update automatically as operating modes and conditions to the EGCP-2 chang


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