Home > Product > Gas turbine system > IC697CPX928-FE Gas turbine module

  • IC697CPX928-FE Gas turbine module
  • IC697CPX928-FE Gas turbine module
  • IC697CPX928-FE Gas turbine module
IC697CPX928-FE Gas turbine module IC697CPX928-FE Gas turbine module IC697CPX928-FE Gas turbine module

IC697CPX928-FE Gas turbine module

IC697CPX928-FE Gas turbine module

Operating Mode

 • Range: Mains Parallel or No Parallel 

• Mains Parallel will allow the unit to synchronize to the mains, and carry load while in parallel with the mains as well (closed transition). 

• No Parallel will not allow the unit to operate with load until the mains breaker is sensed as being open (open transition). • All units operating in a load sharing system must be set for the same parameter (that is, mains parallel, or no parallel).

Number of Units

 • Range: Single or Multiple

 • Defines whether unit is part of a multiple unit system or not. 

• If single unit, there is no auto starting, auto sequencing, load or PF sharing with other units under any circumstances. Unit displays “single unit no sequencing” on sequencing screen. Network Priority and Network Address set points are removed from the configuration set point menu automatically. 

• If multiple unit, auto starting, auto sequencing, load and VAR/PF sharing are available between all units in multiple. Unit displays system sequencing information on sequencing screen. Network Priority and Network Address set points are added to the configuration set point menu automatically. Unit must be in Auto mode to communicate over the inter-control network (RS485).

Shutdowns and Alarms 

The Shutdowns and Alarms menu is used to configure the generator protection functions of the EGCP-2. 

Each alarm set point can be set for: 

• Disabled • Warning—LED on control flashes.

 • Visual Alarm—LED flashes, and Visual Alarm relay energizes. 

• Audible Alarm—LED flashes, Visual and Audible Alarm relays energize. 

• Soft Shutdown—LED turns on, Visual and Audible Alarm relays energize, unit soft unloads, Fuel Solenoid relay de-energizes and cycles through cool down timer when applicable. Unit removes itself from auto sequencing order. 

• Hard Shutdown--Same as above, but immediately opens generator breaker and de-energizes the fuel solenoid.


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