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  • UCD224A103 3BHE023681R0103 Control module
  • UCD224A103 3BHE023681R0103 Control module
UCD224A103 3BHE023681R0103 Control module UCD224A103 3BHE023681R0103 Control module

UCD224A103 3BHE023681R0103 Control module

UCD224A103 3BHE023681R0103 Control module

KW Low Limit Alarm 

• Sets Alarm Action when unit is at or below Low Load Limit. 

• Active during all load control operations. KVA Switch Low

 • Sets level, which when exceeded, will cause the kVA relay output to energize. Only applicable for units with the relay#12 function configured for kVA Load Switch.

KVA Switch High 

• Sets level, which when exceeded, will cause the kVA relay output to deenergize. Only applicable for units with the relay#12 function configured for kVA Load Switch.

Summary of kVA load switch action: 

If the relay 12 output is configured for kVA Load Switch action: If the three-phase sum of the generator kVA is greater than the kVA Switch Low set point and less than the kVA Switch High set point, the K12 relay output will energize. Any other kVA levels relative to the Low and High switch set points will cause the K12 relay output to de-energize.

Reactive Load Control VAR/PF Mode 

• Disabled Unit does not PF share, or control PF under any circumstances.

 • VAR Control Unit PF shares in isolated bus load sharing mode. Unit controls kVAR in Base Load and Process Control Modes. 

• PF Control Unit PF shares in isolated bus load sharing mode. Unit controls PF in Base Load and Process Control Modes. VAR/PF Gain 

• Controls Gain Response of unit in VAR/PF control mode. 

• NOT active in PF sharing mode.


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