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  • TRICONEX BI01 BI01-A-V001 Digital input module
  • TRICONEX BI01 BI01-A-V001 Digital input module
  • TRICONEX BI01 BI01-A-V001 Digital input module
TRICONEX BI01 BI01-A-V001 Digital input module TRICONEX BI01 BI01-A-V001 Digital input module TRICONEX BI01 BI01-A-V001 Digital input module

TRICONEX BI01 BI01-A-V001 Digital input module

TRICONEX BI01 BI01-A-V001 Digital input module

o Connect a potentiometer or decade box to the EGCP-2 water temperature input, terminals 66 and 67. o Verify DIP switch #2 settings. o Set the resistance for the running at rated speed. o Adjust the Water Temperature Gain until the monitored reading matches the desired reading. o Set the resistance for the shutdown value. o Adjust the Water Temperature Offset until the monitored reading matches the desired reading. o Repeat these steps until the EGCP-2 reads correctly with no further adjustment at both the shutdown and running values.

o Connect a potentiometer or decade box to the EGCP-2 water temperature input, terminals 66 and 67. o Verify DIP switch #2 settings. o Set the resistance for the running at rated speed.

Water Temperature Offset 

• Direct relationship o Adjust to read water temperature when engine is shutdown ƒ Low H2O temperature. • Indirect relationship o Adjust to read water temperature when engine is running. ƒ High H2O temperature. • Gain and Offset will affect each other, so it is necessary to repeat these steps until no adjustments are needed.

Adjust the Water Temperature Offset until the monitored reading matches the desired reading. o Set the resistance for the shutdown value o Adjust the Water Temperature Gain until the monitored reading matches the desired reading. o Repeat these steps until the EGCP-2 reads correctly with no further adjustment at both the shutdown and running values.

Adjusting Water Temperature Gain and Offset

 Example of a Passive Resistive sensor. • Disconnect the sensor from the EGCP-2 and measure the resistance coming from the sensor both when the engine is shut down (at least 12 hours) and running at rated speed, with temperature stabilized. 

• Record the actual temperature and the resistance coming from the sensor at those temperatures. 

• From these readings you know if the sensor is a Direct or Indirect type. • Direct type


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