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  • IS215UCVEM06A Gas turbine card
  • IS215UCVEM06A Gas turbine card
  • IS215UCVEM06A Gas turbine card
IS215UCVEM06A Gas turbine card IS215UCVEM06A Gas turbine card IS215UCVEM06A Gas turbine card

IS215UCVEM06A Gas turbine card

IS215UCVEM06A Gas turbine card

The VAR/PF control mode of operation is selected by setting the VAR/PF Control Mode set point in the Reactive Load Control tuning menu. When either VAR or PF control mode is selected, the control function is enabled whenever the Generator CB Aux contact is closed, and the control is configured for either Normal or Soft Transfer Load Control. VAR/PF control is overridden when the Load Control Mode is set for Droop operation. The VAR/PF control can be disabled by setting the VAR/PF Control Mode set point to Disabled. The voltage bias output is reset to 0% when the generator breaker is opened. NOTE If cross-current compensation is installed on the voltage regulator, it must be removed prior to using the VAR/PF mode of control, or instabilities may result. The droop CT must remain connected to the voltage regulator.

Reactive Load Control Description

 When a small generator is paralleled with a Mains, the synchronizer voltage matching function adjusts the generator voltage to match that of the Mains. Voltage variations that may occur in the Mains system after paralleling can cause large changes in reactive current in the generator. The VAR/Power Factor Control provides closed loop control of either VARs or power factor when operating in parallel with another power system when that system can accept the reactive load. Voltage adjustment, however, can only affect reactive power when another system is available to accept the reactive load. So the VAR/Power Factor control functions are automatically switched to Power Factor sharing when either single or multiple units are operating in isochronous load sharing mode on an isolated bus (Mains Breaker is open).

Voltage Trim Control 

The EGCP-2 control will perform a Voltage Trim function when configured for Single unit or if it’s the only Multiple unit operating on an isolated bus. The Voltage Trim function will control the generator set at the Voltage Reference setting (Configuration menu) when on an isolated bus. The conditions for Voltage Trim to activate are: • Single Unit o Isolated bus o VAR/PF Mode cannot be Disabled • Multiple Unit o Isolated bus o Only unit operating o VAR/PF Mode cannot be Disabled


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