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  • HONEYWELL CC-PAIX01 51405038-275 module
  • HONEYWELL CC-PAIX01 51405038-275 module
  • HONEYWELL CC-PAIX01 51405038-275 module
HONEYWELL CC-PAIX01 51405038-275 module HONEYWELL CC-PAIX01 51405038-275 module HONEYWELL CC-PAIX01 51405038-275 module

HONEYWELL CC-PAIX01 51405038-275 module

HONEYWELL CC-PAIX01 51405038-275 module

Automatic Mains Failure. The ability of a control to detect, and take action on a mains failure condition. The EGCP-2, which has AMF capabilities, can be programmed to sense a loss of mains condition based on mains voltage, frequency, or a sudden load surge on a generator operating in parallel with the mains. The action taken by the EGCP-2 when it senses a mains failure can be programmed for either an alarm action, or a standby power action where all generators start and tie to the load after the failed mains have been isolated from that load.

Automatic Control 

A control mode used by the EGCP-2 to activate several automatic functions within the control. These functions, which are dependent upon program set points and system configuration, are Loss of Mains detection, Automatic Sequencing, and Automatic dead bus closing, Automatic control also effectively connects those EGCP-2 units in automatic to the Local Operating Network (LON).

Auto Switch 

A discrete input to the control that will initiate automatic operation of the EGCP-2. ATS Automatic Transfer Switch. A device that isolates the mains upon a sensed fault in the mains, or through manual operation. The ATS selects a secondary power source, such as a diesel generator to supply the load when the mains have been isolated. The ATS will also re-connect the load to the mains when they are reestablished and stable. The EGCP-2 control has ATS functions.


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