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HONEYWELL CC-PAOH01 51405039-175 module

HONEYWELL CC-PAOH01 51405039-175 module

A time delay used for overcurrent and reverse power detection that utilizes both time and amplitude of the condition to determine the active trip level. The inverse time delay accounts for rapid high amplitude conditions to cause a trip, as well as long duration low amplitude conditions. Isolated Bus A bus which is electrically isolated from the mains. kVA Kilovolt Amps. The power rating of the generator set kVA is determined by multiplying the rated voltage of the generator by the rated current. kVAR Kilovolt Amps Reactive. Reactive load is produced by a phase angle differential between the volts and the amps of the generator. kVAR can either be a product of inductive or capacitive loads when operating on an isolated bus, or can be produced by the generator when operating in parallel with another power source such as the mains.

Load Surge

 A condition in which a step load on the generator ,which is operating in a mains parallel mode (base load or process), above a certain amplitude can be used to trigger a Loss of Mains condition. Loss of Mains A condition in which the sensed mains PT input to the EGCP-2 falls below certain voltage and/or frequency set points for a given period of time. Load Surge can also be used to detect a Loss of Mains condition. The EGCP-2 can be configured to trigger a Loss of Mains (LOM) reaction to these conditions, and provide on site power generation to supplement the load until such time as the mains return and are stable. Kilowatts. The Watts are the product of the voltage of the generator and the current that is produced within the voltage cycle. kW load is resistive in nature. Load Typically the kW load on the generator at any given time.

Mains Parallel

 To synchronize and close an operating generator to the mains. The EGCP-2 can be configured for Mains Parallel operation. Master The Highest Priority unit in an operating automatic system. The Master Control controls load sharing, VAR/PF sharing, sequencing, synchronization to the mains, mains breaker closure/opening, and multiple unit starting. Manual A switch input to the EGCP-2 that puts the control in a manual operating mode. When in manual, the EGCP-2 does not communicate with other units on the network, and if in a multiple unit system, will not issue a dead bus closing command. Being in manual also cancels any Loss of Mains detection for that particular unit.


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