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  • HONEYWELL CC-PAON01 51410070-175 module
  • HONEYWELL CC-PAON01 51410070-175 module
  • HONEYWELL CC-PAON01 51410070-175 module
HONEYWELL CC-PAON01 51410070-175 module HONEYWELL CC-PAON01 51410070-175 module HONEYWELL CC-PAON01 51410070-175 module

HONEYWELL CC-PAON01 51410070-175 module

HONEYWELL CC-PAON01 51410070-175 module

Network Address A unique address assigned to each unit that is operating in an automatic system. The network address is that particular units “name” on the network so that it can be properly identified by other units operating on the same network.In addition to all this, the unit with the highest network priority on the network is considered the master, and all other units with lower priorities are slaves to that master. No Parallel An operating mode of the EGCP-2 that will not allow the generators to operate in parallel with the mains under any circumstances. All transitions to and from the mains are completed using an open transition action. Parallel To synchronize and close an operating generator to the mains.

Network Priority

 A unique number assigned to each unit operating in automatic on the network. Network priority defines the sequence in which units will be taken on/off load when operating in an automatic sequencing configuration (load sharing or process control). Automatic sequencing will place units on load as required starting at the highest network priority (lowest numerical value), and adding units of lower priority (higher numerical value) as the load on that system increases above certain defined limits. Automatic sequencing will also remove units from the load in a reverse order of that used for sequencing units on load, that is from lowest priority (highest numerical value) to highest priority (lowest numerical value).

Power Triangle

 A right triangle that is used to determine the amplitude relationship between kVA, kW, and kVAR. Process Control A switch input that selects a mode of control used while in parallel with the mains. When operating in process control, the EGCP-2 receives a 4–20 mA, or 1–5 Vdc input from an external transducer. This transducer monitors a variable that is affected by the generator operation. Variables such as imported power to a site, exported power to the mains, exhaust temperature, and fuel gas pressure levels are typical for monitoring with a transducer. The EGCP-2 uses an internal reference level for the process input, and compares this reference to the transducer input. The EGCP-2 then raises or lowers the amount of load on the generator to maintain the process transducer input to the referenced value.


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