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3BSE042235R1 PP845 Touch screen

3BSE042235R1 PP845 Touch screen

Excel 800 Systems and SELV In order to avoid distribution of noise or earth ground potential differences over networks or other connections, the XCL8010 Controller Module is designed to be in compliance with SELV (Safety Extra-Low Voltage). Furthermore, SELV offers the greatest possible safety against electrical impact. To support SELV, all Honeywell external (CRT series) or internal transformers comply with standard EN60742. Earth grounding is therefore not recommended.

General Information about EN60204-1 EN60204-1 

defines electrical safety for a complete application/machine including controllers, sensors, actuators and any connected/controlled electrical device. EN60204-1 requires controllers to be powered by PELV (Protective Extra-Low Voltage) and earth grounding of the secondary side of the used transformers or earth grounding of the system ground. Earth grounding is prescribed to prevent unexpected startup of connected rotating/moving machines due to an insulation fault and double earth grounding somewhere in the plant. The use of an earth leakage monitor is also possible to fulfill PELV if earth grounding is prohibited.

• Safety against electrical impact

 EN60204-1 is not mandatory; this is because electrical safety is provided by the use of SELV and transformers according to standard EN60742. • Safety against unexpected start-up of rotating/moving machines – If the application/plant does not contain machines that can be harmful to the operator due to an unexpected start-up, the standard EN60204-1 is not applicable. If such machines are encountered, then EN60204-1 must be followed. Grounding is required.

Connecting a single transformer with multiple XCL8010 Controller Modules earth-grounded as per EN60204-1.


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