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5SXE03-0141 3BHB003149P104 Thyristor module

5SXE03-0141 3BHB003149P104 Thyristor module

Field calibration is not necessary in normal situations. It is possible to perform calibration procedures in the field if ultra stable, known, precision references are available. Field calibration data is stored in nonvolatile memory. The complete field calibration procedure is in Section 4. Factory calibration data is stored in a unique nonvolatile memory area. If field calibration does not provide the desired results, the factory calibration data can be restored. Using FC 217 to change the gain or offset values per channel and type, can compensate for differences in input signal readings. Tuning these parameters can take the place of a field calibration. Refer to FC 217, specification S1.

Diagnostics in Diagnostic Mode

 The ASI module performs built-in tests in diagnostic mode to check module operation. 

These tests include: • A/D internal reference checks.

 • Switch test. 

• Watchdog timer test.

 • CPU test. 

• Timer test.ROM test.

 • DPRAM test. • NVRAM test. 

• SRAM test.

 • System reference checks.

 • Configured channel reference checks. 

• Unconfigured channel reference checks.

Diagnostics During Normal Operation 

During startup, the ASI module verifies the checksum of the PROM and nonvolatile RAM. Watchdog timers safeguard against an A/D converter failure which would halt input scanning. Input circuits are monitored for open circuits. Any errors are reported to the controller through the I/O module status. Certain failures detected by these diagnostics may result in halting the I/O module.

Diagnostics on Reset

 These tests include: • PROM checksum verification. 

• NVRAM checksum verification. • DPRAM/SRAM verification. • Processor instruction set tests. • Timer test.


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