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  • Reliance 30V4060 output signal module
  • Reliance 30V4060 output signal module
Reliance 30V4060 output signal module Reliance 30V4060 output signal module

Reliance 30V4060 output signal module

Reliance 30V4060 output signal module

Write commands have a special feature, as they can be set to execute only if the data in the write command changes. If the register data values in the command have not changed since the command was last issued, the command will not be executed. If the data in the command has changed since the command was last issued, the command will be executed. Use of this feature can lighten the load on the network. In order to implement this feature; set the enable code for the command to a value of 2. Commands Supported by the Module The format of each command in the list is dependent on the Modbus Function Code being executed.Each command list record has the same general format. The first part of the record contains the information relating to the communication module and the second part contains information required to interface to the Modbus TCP/IP Server device.

Internal Address

This field specifies the database address in the module's internal database to associate with the command. The database address is interpreted as bitaddressing or word-addressing, depending on the Modbus function. ƒ For Modbus functions 1, 2, 5, and 15, this parameter is interpreted as bitaddressing. ƒ For Modbus functions 3, 4, 6, and 16, this parameter is interpreted as wordaddressing. If the command is a read function, the data received in the response message is placed at the specified location. If the command is write function, data used in the command is sourced from the specified data area.

Poll Interval

This parameter specifies the minimum interval to execute continuous commands (Enable code of 1). The parameter is entered in tenths of a second. Therefore, if a value of 100 is entered for a command, the command executes no more frequently than every 10 seconds.

This parameter specifies the number of registers or digital points to be associated with the command. 

Functions 5 and 6 ignore this field as they only apply to a single data point. 

For functions 1, 2, and 15, this parameter sets the number of digital points (inputs or coils) to be associated with the command. 

 For functions 3, 4, and 16, this parameter sets the number of registers to be associated with the command.


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