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  • SPAD346C3 Dc control module
  • SPAD346C3 Dc control module
  • SPAD346C3 Dc control module
SPAD346C3 Dc control module SPAD346C3 Dc control module SPAD346C3 Dc control module

SPAD346C3 Dc control module

SPAD346C3 Dc control module

The Configuration and Debug menu for this module is arranged as a tree structure, with the Main Menu at the top of the tree, and one or more sub-menus for each menu command. The first menu you see when you connect to the module is the Main menu. Because this is a text-based menu system, you enter commands by typing the command letter from your computer keyboard in the diagnostic window in ProSoft Configuration Builder (PCB). The module does not respond to mouse movements or clicks. The command executes as soon as you press the command letter — you do not need to press [ENTER]. When you type a command letter, a new screen will be displayed in your terminal application.

If there is no response from the module

follow these steps: 1 Verify that the null modem cable is connected properly between your computer’s serial port and the module. A regular serial cable will not work. 2 On computers with more than one serial port, verify that your communication program is connected to the same port that is connected to the module. If you are still not able to establish a connection, contact ProSoft Technology for assistance. Navigation All of the sub-menus for this module contain commands to redisplay the menu or return to the previous menu. You can always return from a sub-menu to the next higher menu by pressing [M] on your keyboard.

The keyboard commands on these menus are almost always non-case sensitive. 

You can enter most commands in lower case or capital letters. The menus use a few special charactersthat must be entered exactly as shown. Some of these characters will require you to use the [SHIFT], [CTRL] or [ALT] keys to enter them correctly. For example, on US English keyboards, enter the [?] command as [SHIFT][/]. Also, take care to distinguish capital letter [I] from lower case letter [L] (L) and number [1]; likewise for capital letter [O] and number [0]. Although these characters look nearly the same on the screen, they perform different actions on the module.


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