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3ASC25H203 DAPC 100 input signal card

3ASC25H203 DAPC 100 input signal card

This document contains information about one or more ABB products and may include a description of or a reference to one or more standards that may be generally relevant to the ABB products. ABB may have one or more patents or pending patent applications protecting the intellectual property in the ABB product(s) described in this publication. The presence of any such description of a standard or reference to a standard is not a representation that all of the ABB products referenced in this document support all of the features of the described or referenced standard. In order to determine the specific features supported by a particular ABB product, the reader should consult the product specifications for the particular ABB product. The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by ABB. ABB assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document

In no event shall ABB be liable for direct

indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any nature or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall ABB be liable for incidental or consequential damages arising from use of any software or hardware described in this document. This document and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without written permission from ABB, and the contents thereof must not be imparted to a third party nor used for any unauthorized purpose. The software or hardware described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in accordance with the terms of such license. This product meets the requirements specified in EMC Directive 89/336/EEC and in Low Voltage Directive 72/23/EEC.

The Panel 800 operator pane lis 

developed to satisfy the demands of humanmachine communication. Built-in functions such as displaying and controlling text, dynamic indication, time channels, alarm and recipe handling are included. The operator panel work, for the most part, in an object-oriented way, making it easy to understand and use. The configuration operation of the panel is made in a personal computer, using the configuration tool Panel Builder 800. The project is then transferred and stored in the operator panel. The operator panel can be connected to many types of automation equipment, such as PLCs, servos or drives. In this manual the expression “the controller“ is used as a general term for the connected equipment. This manual explains how to install the operator panel. Please refer to the manual Panel Builder 800, Programming and Installation (3BSE043445Rxxx) for further information.


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