Home > Product > DCS control system > 3BHE019633R0101 PDD200A101 controller

  • 3BHE019633R0101 PDD200A101 controller
  • 3BHE019633R0101 PDD200A101 controller
  • 3BHE019633R0101 PDD200A101 controller
3BHE019633R0101 PDD200A101 controller 3BHE019633R0101 PDD200A101 controller 3BHE019633R0101 PDD200A101 controller

3BHE019633R0101 PDD200A101 controller

3BHE019633R0101 PDD200A101 controller

The state of the motor upon power up may be selected with the placement of a hardware jumper on the controller. With a jumper installed at the MO location, the controller will be powered up in the “motor off” state. The SH command will need to be issued in order for the motor to be enabled. With no jumper installed, the controller will immediately enable the motor upon power up. The MO command will need to be issued to turn the motor off. The MO jumper is always located on the same block of jumpers as the stepper motor jumpers (SM).

After applying power to the computer, you should install the Galil software that enables communication between the controller and PC Using the Galil Software CD-ROM, go to the directory, DMCDOS. Type "INSTALL" at the DOS prompt and follow the directions.

Using Windows 98, NT, ME, 2000 or XP (32 bit versions):

 The Galil Software CD-ROM will automatically begin the installation procedure when the CD-ROM is installed. After installing the Galil CD-ROM software on your computer, you can easily install other software components as desired. To install the basic communications software, run the Galil Software CD-ROM and choose “DMCSmartTerm”. This will install the Galil Smart Terminal which can be used for communication and programming of the controller. Step 5. Connect +5V, ±12V DC Power to the Controller Before applying power, connect the 100-pin cable between the DMC-21x2 and ICM-2900 interconnect module. If the –DC option was not ordered, then the DMC-21x2 requires +5V, 12V DC supply voltage. Confirm correct connections between the power supply pins and the controller. Serious damage will occur if the power supply is incorrectly wired. Note: If the –DC option was ordered, then the correct DC voltage should be connected (ie: 18-36V for –DC24 or 36-72V for -DC48 option) instead of the +5, 12V.

Using Galil Software for DOS 

To communicate with the DMC-21x2, type TALK2DMC at the prompt. Once you have established communication, the terminal display should show a colon. If you do not receive a colon, press the carriage return. If a colon prompt is not returned, there is most likely an incorrect setting of the serial communications port. The user must ensure that the correct communication port and baud rate are specified when attempting to communicate with the controller. Please note that the serial port on the controller must be set for handshake mode for proper communication with Galil software. The user must also ensure that the proper serial cable is being used, see appendix for pin-out of serial cable.


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