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  • PSCAMAAN 16404-5003 Communication module
  • PSCAMAAN 16404-5003 Communication module
  • PSCAMAAN 16404-5003 Communication module
PSCAMAAN 16404-5003 Communication module PSCAMAAN 16404-5003 Communication module PSCAMAAN 16404-5003 Communication module

PSCAMAAN 16404-5003 Communication module

PSCAMAAN 16404-5003 Communication module

Adjusting the tuning parameters required when using servo motors (standard or sinusoidal commutation). The system compensation provides fast and accurate response and the following presentation suggests a simple and easy way for compensation. More advanced design methods are available with software design tools from Galil, such as the Windows Servo Design Kit (WSDK software ) The filter has three parameters: the damping, KD; the proportional gain, KP; and the integrator, KI. The parameters should be selected in this order.For more damping, you can increase KD (maximum is 4095). Increase gradually and stop after the motor vibrates. A vibration is noticed by audible sound or by interrogation. If you send the command a few times, and get varying responses, especially with reversing polarity, it indicates system vibration. When this happens, simply reduce KD. Next you need to increase the value of KP gradually (maximum allowed is 1023). You can monitor the improvement in the response with the Tell Error instruction

As the proportional gain is increased, the error decreases

 Again, the system may vibrate if the gain is too high. In this case, reduce KP. Typically, KP should not be greater than KD/4. (When the amplifier is configured in the current mode). Finally, to select KI, start with zero value and increase it gradually. The integrator eliminates the position error, resulting in improved accuracy. Therefore, the response to the instruction TEAbecomes zero. As KI is increased, its effect is amplified and it may lead to vibrations. If this occurs, simply reduce KI. Repeat tuning for the B, C and D axes. For a more detailed description of the operation of the PID filter and/or servo system theory, see Chapter 10 - Theory of Operation.  

Linear Interpolation Objective

Move A,B,C motors distance of 7000,3000,6000, respectively, along linear trajectory. Namely, motors start and stop together. Objective: Move the AB axes in circular mode to form the path shown on Fig. 2-9. Note that the vector motion starts at a local position (0,0) which is defined at the beginning of any vector motion sequence. See Application Programming for further information.

If the ED command is issued from the Galil Windows terminal software (such as GALIL Smart Terminal32), the software will open a Windows based editor. From this editor a program can be entered, edited, downloaded and uploaded to the controller.


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