Home > Product > DCS control system > IT94-3 HESG440310R2 HESG112699B Control module

  • IT94-3 HESG440310R2 HESG112699B Control module
  • IT94-3 HESG440310R2 HESG112699B Control module
  • IT94-3 HESG440310R2 HESG112699B Control module
IT94-3 HESG440310R2 HESG112699B Control module IT94-3 HESG440310R2 HESG112699B Control module IT94-3 HESG440310R2 HESG112699B Control module

IT94-3 HESG440310R2 HESG112699B Control module

The main products

Spare parts spare parts, the DCS control system of PLC system and the robot system spare parts,

Brand advantage: Allen Bradley, BentlyNevada, ABB, Emerson Ovation, Honeywell DCS, Rockwell ICS Triplex, FOXBORO, Schneider PLC, GE Fanuc, Motorola, HIMA, TRICONEX, Prosoft etc. Various kinds of imported industrial parts

IT94-3 HESG440310R2 HESG112699B Control module

Basis for calculating transfer time of periodic COMVs in MPS exchanges, used by bus arbiter to build the bus arbiter program. This should not be changed.Used to force the synchronization of the COMVs. When set to YES, the COMV transfer cannot be done before the beginning of the appropriate time slot.Used to build a simplified Bus Arbiter program. If set to YES, transport time slot activities (predefinition and definition of MPS exchanges) are disabled.If Monoperiodic has been selected, this parameter determines the proportion of time allotted to aperiodic transfer to variables and messages, compared to the time for all periodic variables.Whether the network uses a single or double (redundant) bus cable.How the network time is maintained. The default should be used for the FIP Bus Controller.Predefining Exchanges for Network Subscribers The Network Configuration tool provides default definitions for the data exchanges that will be made by different types of subscribers on the network. Most applications use the default definitions. These include:  Default definitions of transport time slots (length, start/end, asynchronous/synchronous). Transport time slots are used to group similar data on the network. There are predefined transport time slots for status data, discrete I/O data, analog I/O data, control data, the network clock, and the end of cycle message.  Default assignment of the I/O and status data of remote I/O racks to the appropriate time slots.  Default assignment of the system variables exchanged by PLCs to the appropriate time slots.  Default assignment of the communications variables of generic devices to appropriate time slots. Because the Network Configuration tool automatically sets up time slots for data transfer, all of the data exchange configuration steps described here are optional. For most applications, it should not be necessary to access this information at alL

Changing the Predefined Exchange Definitions

 The data exchange definitions should be changed only with great caution. To successfully change the default data exchanges, you must be very familiar with the system and its devices, and with FIP communications. It is possible to refine the exchanges of each device category by connecting the data (COMV, system variable, TVA or data class) to the transport time slots. This is done by adjusting the list of transport variables to be taken into account or ignored. Data exchanges and time slots should be defined before performing the step of associating the devices with the network configuration. To predefine exchanges, select the network segment icon in the left pane of the Network Configuration Tool window. On the Tools menu, click on Predefine Exchanges. The Exchange Predefinition window has six tabs:  Transport Time Slots  I/O Racks  PLCs  Drives  Stations  Generics

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