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1C31157G02 Input/output module

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Spare parts spare parts, the DCS control system of PLC system and the robot system spare parts,

Brand advantage: Allen Bradley, BentlyNevada, ABB, Emerson Ovation, Honeywell DCS, Rockwell ICS Triplex, FOXBORO, Schneider PLC, GE Fanuc, Motorola, HIMA, TRICONEX, Prosoft etc. Various kinds of imported industrial parts

1C31157G02 Input/output module

Remote I/O Rack Exchange Predefinitions For each type of remote I/O rack or Field Control I/O Station, it is possible to define system TVAs (transport variables), module TVAs, and transport time slots. TVA names are: _S System TVA _I discrete input state _Q discrete output _AI analog input value _AQ analog output _V discrete validator _AV analog validator _AT analog alarm _B blinking bit _C chattering bit You can eliminate unnecessary exchanges for a module type by removing the allocation of the time slot to that TVA. For example, for performance reasons, validator TVAs for that module type could be eliminated. (You cannot eliminate exchanges for an entire module type). If you edit exchange definitions for remote racks, the changes will take effect when a remote I/O rack connects to the network segment or when an I/O module is inserted. Changed exchange definitions do not affect devices already in place. For remote I/O racks (and Field Control I/O Stations), the I/O Racks tab has three tabs:  System TVAs  Input Modules  Output Modules System TVAs for I/O Racks For the remote I/O rack or station chosen, the System TVAs tab lists the system TVAs attached to the rack type, and the direction and transport time slot of each. It also indicates whether the exchange of this system TVA is predefined or has been eliminated. This is the status information for the remote I/O rack; it should not need to be changed.

Output Module Exchanges for I/O Racks 

For each type of input and output module that may be present, the Network Configuration Tool lists predefined TVAs, the module transport time slot, and the TVA transport time slots. You can choose another transport time slot for a TVA. Remember that the module transport time slot is related to module’s TVA timeslots. If you change the module transport time slot, the module’s TVA times slots also change.PLC Exchange Predefinitions You can set or change the transport time slot allocated to each System Variable for each type of PLC and Control Station. You can also eliminate unnecessary exchanges. The PLCs tab and the Stations tab list predefined system variables by name, type, number, direction, and time slot.Changes made using the Network Configuration Tool take effect on connection of the PLC or the Control Station to the network segment. They have no effect on the PLCs and Control Stations that are already connected. Predefined exchanges that specify the correspondents of devices connected to the network segment can be modified individually using the command Edit exchanges (see Edit Exchanges).

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