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ABB UNITROL 1020 3BHS335648E82 module

ABB UNITROL 1020 3BHS335648E82 module

The bit ont the right–hand side of the hexadecimal representation of p5 indicates the number of positions hehind the decimal point. The total number of occupied positions in the target field figures in the left byte. If the left byte = 0 (i.e.only the number of positions qfter the decimal point is specified), the target field is automatically assigned a total length of 16 positions. The output of the number is right–justified

Internal parameter of the character field (S16), the ASCII character string is written to, or index in the FC block if p3 contains the SET address of an FC block. If p4 < 0 the absolute value of p4 is irrelevant and mantissa 2 of the parameter p3 is evaluated as parameter number.


 This system subroutine converts the group display/location number (element .NRPL) from the operator input into internal representation (element .NRGP), allocates the corresponding location in the group display and de–allocates the old location, if required. The call is performed within the operation check algorithm

Internal representation of the group display/location no. entered in NRPL. The user must transfer this value to the .NRPG element (see SYSTEM.STAT) for later utilization during status word output; data type PA.


This subroutine can be used for producing program–controlled copies of data blocks. To a large extent, the result of this program is identical to the operator input ”COPY,type,source, target;”. Both blocks must exist and be of the same type. The internal source block number must be >6, the target block number >7. Source and target must be different blocks.This call requires a high amount of computer time due to extensive plausibility checks which are performed while the individual parameters are copied. Copying a complex block requires several hundred milliseconds.

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