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  • GE VMIVME-5576 Gas turbine expansion card
GE VMIVME-5576 Gas turbine expansion card

GE VMIVME-5576 Gas turbine expansion card

GE VMIVME-5576 Gas turbine expansion card

The data available to be read by the processor is updated every 1.5–2.9msec binary and every 3.0–5.8msec BCD. Note that based on module configuration, some values may not be updated at that rate. For example, a frequency value in rate measurement mode will be updated at the time base selected in the scaler word. The module can always be read by the processor, but if read at a faster rate than determined by the time base, you will read old data

This varies with the length sent and whether or not any data has changed. The worst case would be a 64 word BTW that changes the module configuration. This would take about 5.5ms in binary (11.1ms in BCD) to process. You would not be able to do another BTW for that length of time. If the BTW data has not changed any module configuration on that particular scan, the rate at which you can do a BTW will vary (depending on module configuration) from about 1.5ms to 2.9ms.

If an output is tied to an input used in period rate mode

 the output will be triggered by the counts, not by the frequency. The module provides better resolution by tieing the output to the 4MHz clock count value instead of the frequency. For example, in period rate mode with a scaler value of 1, feeding the gate input a constant frequency of 285Hz will return a frequency of 284-285, but the counts returned will be 7017-7019. The output is tied to the count value of 7017-7019. If an output is tied to an input used in rate measurement mode, the output is tied directly to the frequency. For example, with a time base of 500msec the count returned will be 142-143, and the frequency will be 284-286Hz. The output will be tied to the frequency 284-286Hz.

These counts are the number of counts 

received on channel A during the selected sample time period. The counts are divided by the specified time base and converted to frequency. For example, with a time base of 500msec and a fixed frequency of 285Hz on channel A, a count value of 142-143 will be returned, resulting in a frequency of 284-285.


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