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GE DS3820FANA1A1A Gas turbine input module

GE DS3820FANA1A1A Gas turbine input module

• Whenever possible, install safety fences to protect against unauthorized entry into the work envelope.

• Eliminate areas where personnel might get trapped between a moving robot and other equipment (pinch points). 

• Provide sufficient room inside the workcell to permit safe teaching and maintenance procedures.

• Do not enter the robot cell while it is in automatic operation. Be sure that only the person holding the programming pendant enters the workcell. 

• Check the E-STOP button on the programming pendant for proper operation before programming. The robot must be placed in Emergency Stop (E-STOP) mode whenever it is not in use.

 • Back up all programs and jobs onto suitable media before program changes are made. To avoid loss of information, programs, or jobs, a backup must always be made before any service procedures are done and before any changes are made to options, accessories, or equipment.

Programming, Operation, and Maintenance Safety

 All operators, programmers, plant and tooling engineers, maintenance personnel, supervisors, and anyone working near the robot must become familiar with the operation of this equipment. Improper operation can result in personal injury and/or damage to the equipment. Only trained personnel familiar with the operation, manuals, electrical design, and equipment interconnections of this robot should be permitted to program, operate, and maintain the system. All personnel involved with the operation of the equipment must understand potential dangers of operation. • Inspect the robot and work envelope to be sure no potentially hazardous conditions exist. Be sure the area is clean and free of water, oil, debris, etc. • Be sure that all safeguards are in place. Check all safety equipment for proper operation. Repair or replace any non-functioning safety equipment immediately.

• Any modifications to PART 1, System Section

 of the robot controller concurrent I/O program can cause severe personal injury or death, as well as damage to the robot! Do not make any modifications to PART 1, System Section. Making any changes without the written permission of Motoman will VOID YOUR WARRANTY! • Some operations require standard passwords and some require special passwords. Special passwords are for Motoman use only. YOUR WARRANTY WILL BE VOID if you use these special passwords. • The robot controller allows modifications of PART 2, User Section, of the concurrent I/O program and modifications to controller parameters for maximum robot performance. Great care must be taken when making these modifications. All modifications made to the controller will change the way the robot operates and can cause severe personal injury or death, as well as damage the robot and other parts of the system. Double-check all modifications under every mode of robot operation to ensure that you have not created hazards or dangerous situations.


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