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IS200EGDMH1AFF General electric (ge) module

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Spare parts spare parts, the DCS control system of PLC system and the robot system spare parts,

Brand advantage: Allen Bradley, BentlyNevada, ABB, Emerson Ovation, Honeywell DCS, Rockwell ICS Triplex, FOXBORO, Schneider PLC, GE Fanuc, Motorola, HIMA, TRICONEX, Prosoft etc. Various kinds of imported industrial parts

IS200EGDMH1AFF General electric (ge) module

• TRACE MEMORY TRIGGER DELAY: In some applications it may be necessary to delay the trigger point to observe the data before the fault occurred. The PQMII allows the trigger to be delayed by the amount of cycles set in this setpoint. Therefore, buffer will always contain the number cycles specified in this setpoint before the trigger point and the remaining space in the buffer is filled with the cycles after the trigger point. • TRACE MEMORY TRIGGER RELAY: The relay selected here will be activated upon the occurrence of a Trace Memory Trigger. This relay will be cleared once the Trace Memory is re-armed. See 8.4 Triggered Trace Memory for additional details on this feature • The setpoint access must be enabled in order to alter the characters. • To skip over a character press the ENTER key. • If a character is entered incorrectly, press the ENTER key repeatedly until the cursor returns to the position of the error, and re-enter the character. • See 3.4 Default Messages for details on selecting this message as a default message A copy of this message is displayed in actual values page A2 STATUS ÖØ PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGE.If the “A and B Only”, “A and C Only”, or “A Only” connection is selected, the neutral sensing must be accomplished with a separate CT.


Enter the primary current rating of the phase current transformers. All three phase CTs must have the same rating. For example, if 500:5 CTs are used, the PHASE CT PRIMARY value is entered as “500”. The PHASE CT PRIMARY factory default is “Off”. While set to “Off”, the PQMII is forced to an alarm state as a safety precaution until a valid CT value is entered. Ensure that the CT is connected to the correct 1 or 5 A terminals to match the CT secondary. • NEUTRAL CURRENT SENSING: Neutral current sensing can be accomplished by using a separate external CT connection or by calculations. Select “Separate CT” when using an external CT. If “Calculated” is selected, the PQMII calculates the neutral current using the vector sum of Ia + Ib + Ic = In. If a residual connection is required using the PQMII internal CT, the neutral CT primary must be the same as the phase CT primary to ensure correct readings. • NEUTRAL CT PRIMARY: This message is visible only if the neutral current sensing setpoint is set to “Separate CT”. Enter the CT primary current. For example, if a 50:5 CT is installed for neutral sensing enter 50. One amp CTs can also be used for neutral sensing. • VT WIRING: Enter the VT connection of the system in this setpoint. The three possible wiring configurations are Wye, Delta, and Single Phase. If the system to be measured is a Wye connection, the selections are “4 Wire Wye Direct”, “4 Wire Wye / 3 VTs”, and “4 Wire Wye /2 VTs”. The “4 Wire Wye Direct” value is used for systems that are 600 V or less and directly connected to the PQMII. The VT NOMINAL SECONDARY VOLTAGE setpoint is replaced by NOMINAL DIRECT INPUT VOLTAGE. With external VTs (depending upon how many external VTs are used), the “4 Wire Wye / 3 VTs” or “4 Wire Wye / 2 VTs” value must be selected. Note that when using the “4 Wire Wye / 2 VTs” value, only two voltages are measured; the third voltage is calculated on the assumption that Van + Vbn + Vcn = 0. This assumption is valid only for balanced system voltages.

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