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GE DS200UCIBG1A Matrix switch module

GE DS200UCIBG1A Matrix switch module

The error occurred in timer conductor of system designated by data. Reset the timer conductor that caused the welding error and repeat the operation. 4581 DEFECTIVE ANTICIPATION FILE [Decimal Data] A setting in the anticipation output file is set to an improper value. The setting of the OT output or OG output is “-” 1: OT output No. failure 2: OG output No. failure After resetting the alarm, set to the proper value .Set gun was set by operation mode of control impossible. Change to the mode applied to the gun. 4584 STRWAIT TIME LIMIT Confirmation signal designated by stroke switch confirmation instruction doesn't enter even if waiting set time. • Correct the factor, defective LS etc., and repeat the operation. • If the error occurs again, contact your YASKAWA representative.


The error occured when the gun was changed. The number shown indicates the cause of the alarm. 1: GUNCHG was issued in a system configuration in which the gun change function cannot be used. 2: GUNCHG PICK was issued while the servo of the motor gun’s motor was on. 3: GUNCHG PICK was issued when the ATC was unchucked. 4: GUNCHG PLACE was issued when the ATC was unchucked. 5: The encoder’s power could not be turned on when GONCHG PLACE was issued. 6: The encoder’s power could not be turned off when GUNCHG PLACE was issued. 7: The serial number of the motor gun does not correspond to the gun number specified in GUNCHG.

1: Reconnect the motor gun on the station axis in maintenance mode. 

2: Execute GUNCHG PICK when the servo of the motor gun’s motor is off. 

3: Exceute GUNCHG PICK when the ATC is chucked. 

4: Execute GUNCHG PLACE when the ATC is chucked. 

5: Check the cable connection of the motor gun’s encoder. 

6: Check the cable connection of the motor gun’s encoder. 

7: Check the gun number in the gun conditon data file for GUNCHG. And, check the gun’s serial number.


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