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  • GE DS200SNPAH1A Gas turbine communication card
GE DS200SNPAH1A Gas turbine communication card

GE DS200SNPAH1A Gas turbine communication card

GE DS200SNPAH1A Gas turbine communication card

Isolation of control circuits–Maestro range of servo drives The control circuits of these drives are not isolated from the power circuits. In most applications an isolating transformer is used to supply the drive, and the negative terminal of the drive DC power circuit is connected to ground. Provided that the ground connection is adequate to carry the prospective fault current of the supply, the control circuits may safely be connected to other grounded circuits. If the negative DC terminal is not connected to ground then the control circuits must be treated as live at the AC supply potential.

Selectable options

 Speed control with armature feedback Speed control with tachogenerator feedback Acceleration and deceleration ramps Tachogenerator loss-protection 2.1.2 Adjustments Full-scale speed Current limit Dynamic gain Derivative action Reference speed offset compensation Ramp gradient I 2t LED indication LED indication of tachogenerator loss Drive NORMAL LED indication Digital output indicates drive status Digital output indicates I2t limit Analog output indicates motor current Analog output indicates TPRC

Braking resistor data

External Braking resistor When a Maxi-Maestro drive is used, due to the fact that there is no internal braking resistor, an external braking resistor is required. The braking resistor defined as follows is supplied with the drive The minimum resistor value has been set to limit the current, through the braking circuit, to protect the drive if a larger rated external braking resistor is required.Potentiometers, mounted components and switches fitted on a daughter board are used to configure the drive. If there is a need to replace the drive, and the configuration is required in the replacement, the daughter board can be removed and installed in the replacement drive


 Company product range

----------------------Ruichang Mingsheng Automation Equipment Co., Ltd----------------------

PLC module, programmable controller, CPU module, IO module, DO module, AI module, DI module

Network communication module,

Ethernet module, motion control module, analog input module, analog output module, digital input module, digital output

Module, redundancy module, power module, relay output module, relay input module, processor module

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