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  • GE DS200SSBAG1A Gas turbine communication card
GE DS200SSBAG1A Gas turbine communication card

GE DS200SSBAG1A Gas turbine communication card

GE DS200SSBAG1A Gas turbine communication card

Transformer power rating • A single three-phase transformer may be able to supply more than one drive. • The power rating of the secondary winding must exceed the nominal power rating of the motor. • When using a transformer with more than one secondary winding, the power rating of the primary must exceed the sum of the power ratings of the secondary windings.The secondary windings must be delta-connected. (This is not essential for the primary winding.)Three-phase AC supply To calculate the necessary adjustments required for each secondary winding, the following equation for Ps (in VA) must be used:Corrective factor when using more than one drive in parallel

Ground connections 

To avoid unnecessary tripping of the drive, one common ground point must be used to connect the signal common and the power common. The shortest possible wiring should be used. Refer to Figure 4-8. A grounding bar mounted on insulated supports and having the dimensions given in Figure 4-8 may be used. No significant voltage drop should occur between connections. The ground connections shown in Figure 4-8 should assist in minimising the effects of signal noise. The connection to the chassis terminal of the enclosure must be adequately sized. If in doubt, consult the supplier of the drive.

DC Supply 

It is possible to power up the Midi and Maxi Maestro using a DC supply. This can be done by connecting the DC supply directly to the drive’s ± DC Bus terminals (Terminals 16 and 19). When using a DC supply, due to the fact that there is no AC supply, the Braking Circuit will be permanently switched on, requiring the disconnection of the braking resistor.Motor connections Normally the motor should be connected directly to pins 17 and 18 of the power connector as shown in Figure 4-6


 Company product range

----------------------Ruichang Mingsheng Automation Equipment Co., Ltd----------------------

PLC module, programmable controller, CPU module, IO module, DO module, AI module, DI module

Network communication module,

Ethernet module, motion control module, analog input module, analog output module, digital input module, digital output

Module, redundancy module, power module, relay output module, relay input module, processor module

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