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  • GE DS200STBAG1ADC Gas turbine AI module
GE DS200STBAG1ADC Gas turbine AI module

GE DS200STBAG1ADC Gas turbine AI module

GE DS200STBAG1ADC Gas turbine AI module

Current setting for a thermal overload protection relay 1. Calculate the maximum permissible continuous current through the braking resistor that is to be used, as follows: where: PR is the continuous power rating of the resistor to be used (not the minimum required power rating) R is the actual value of the braking resistor (not the calculated value) 2. Select a model of thermal overload relay that can be set at 10A Analog signal proportional to the value of the requested current. Signal range ±10V. When at ±10V the drive generates peak current. When used as an input, and the same voltage range is applied, the drive becomes a current amplifier using the applied voltage as current reference. Torque reference Higher resolution can be achieved by removing a resistor on the daughter board. This disables the speed loop.

A signal is produced from this output during I2t 

current limiting and the LED I2t is lit. Maximum voltage available is 47V. Drive capability when no signal is given is 100mA.When a 10V DC to 30V DC signal is applied to this pin, the drive is enabled. When the signal is discontinued, the drive is disabled (0V)The speed reference signal input is a differential input to minimize noise problems. When a differential signal from the external controller is not available, 10 connect pin 9 to pin 8.Pins 13 and 14 internally connected through a contact when the green LED is lit and the drive is running. When a protection functions is active, the contact is open. The outputs are volt free. The contact drive capability is 30 V DC at 5A.When 10V DC to 30V DC is applied, the STOP function is enabled. This is a controlled STOP giving torque at zero speed.

Setting up the drive Potentiometers

mounted components and switches fitted on a daughter board are used to configure the drive. If there is a need to replace the drive, and the configuration is required in the replacement, the daughter board can be removed and installed in the replacement drive.An RT resistor is fitted as standard. The value is 5.1kΩ for tachogenerator voltage constant, Ke = 10 and maximum motor speed = 3000 RPM. The daughter board fitted to the drive may be different in layout to the one described. If this is the case, refer to section 7.1 Alternative daughter boards on page 59.


 Company product range

----------------------Ruichang Mingsheng Automation Equipment Co., Ltd----------------------

PLC module, programmable controller, CPU module, IO module, DO module, AI module, DI module

Network communication module,

Ethernet module, motion control module, analog input module, analog output module, digital input module, digital output

Module, redundancy module, power module, relay output module, relay input module, processor module

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