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  • GE DS200TBCAG1A Gas turbine control card
GE DS200TBCAG1A Gas turbine control card

GE DS200TBCAG1A Gas turbine control card

GE DS200TBCAG1A Gas turbine control card

Adjusting the nominal current When the nominal current rating of the motor is less than the nominal current of the drive, it is possible to reduce the maximum value of current produced by the drive by fitting a RIN resistor.IPEAK is a threshold level which is 2 × INOM output current of the drive. When the required nominal current is reduced, the resulting IPEAK current may be more than 2 × I NOM before the I2t protection reduces the peak current to the nominal value. In this case, the peak current is supplied for less than 2 seconds. Added protection is required to stop the IPEAK value increasing to more than 2 × INOM. See section 5.6.4 Adjusting the peak current on page 49. When INOM is the theoretical nominal current, and the denominator equals zero, RIN should be open circuit.

Adjusting the peak current RIP resistor 

When a RIN resistor is fitted, IPEAK may become excessively high in relation to INOM. To reduce the value of the peak current, use an RIP resistor.When the peak current is reduced, the ratio between IPEAK and INOM is altered. This alteration increases the time before I2t protection takes place. In this case, the peak current is supplied for more than 2 seconds.1. Set Switch 3 at ON to enable tacho loss protection. 2. Use the following equation to calculate the correct value for the RRT resistor: RRT = [(0.0424 x Vm x Kemotor) - 1] x 183000

Adjusting speed for operation in armature feedback mode

 RKW resistor Armature feedback mode can be used when a tachogenerator is not fitted to the motor. Speed control is then less precise. Speed is controlled by using the motor voltage as feedback. Voltage drop due to motor resistance can be compensated by adjusting the value of the RAI resistor. 1. Set Switch 1/2 at OFF to enable operation with armature feedback. 2. Set Switch 3 at OFF to disable tachogenerator loss protection. 3. Use the following equation to calculate the correct value of RKW resistor: RKW = 77.7 x Vm x Kemotor


 Company product range

----------------------Ruichang Mingsheng Automation Equipment Co., Ltd----------------------

PLC module, programmable controller, CPU module, IO module, DO module, AI module, DI module

Network communication module,

Ethernet module, motion control module, analog input module, analog output module, digital input module, digital output

Module, redundancy module, power module, relay output module, relay input module, processor module

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