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  • GE DS200TBCBG1A Gas turbine control card
GE DS200TBCBG1A Gas turbine control card

GE DS200TBCBG1A Gas turbine control card

GE DS200TBCBG1A Gas turbine control card

When the peak current is reduced, the ratio between IPEAK and INOM is altered. This alteration increases the time before I2t protection takes place. In this case, the peak current is supplied for more than 2 seconds.When the motor load is a slide with limited travel, avoid the slide activating the limit switches by increasing the reference signal frequency or decreasing the reference signal amplitude in order to reduce the speed.The minimum acceptable amplitude for the reference signal is 1V peak to peak. 9. Apply power to the drive. 10. Enable the drive. 11. The waveform could be as shown in Figure 5-7. In this case, the system has insufficient dynamic gain. Turn the PROPORTIONAL potentiometer clockwise to obtain a waveform without oscillation

When a waveform without oscillation has been obtained

 in most cases the response will have an overshoot as shown in Figure 5-8. In this case, the system has insufficient derivative action.It may be necessary to adjust repetitively the PROPORTIONAL and DERIVATIVE potentiometers. If the drive has instability problems after adjustment and when it is connected to a position controller, refer to section 5.7 Commissioning on page 54 and Chapter 6 Diagnostics on page 56.

Preliminary checks 

1. Check that the correct values of components have been used. Check the components are correctly fitted. 

2. Check the three cables from the transformer secondary winding to pins 21, 22, 23 are correct. Check that the terminals are tight. 

3. Check the polarity of the tachogenerator and the motor.N

When a position speed reference is applied to pin 10, the output voltage on pin 17 is positive. When this is connected to the positive input of the motor, the motor turns clockwise as seen from the flange. To reverse the motor direction, reverse the motor and tachogenerator connections.


 Company product range

----------------------Ruichang Mingsheng Automation Equipment Co., Ltd----------------------

PLC module, programmable controller, CPU module, IO module, DO module, AI module, DI module

Network communication module,

Ethernet module, motion control module, analog input module, analog output module, digital input module, digital output

Module, redundancy module, power module, relay output module, relay input module, processor module

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