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  • GE DS200NATOG3A Gas turbine channel module
GE DS200NATOG3A Gas turbine channel module

GE DS200NATOG3A Gas turbine channel module

GE DS200NATOG3A Gas turbine channel module

Twisted Pair Control Modules interface to the node application electronics and to the network through two connectors, P1 and P2, respectively. P1 provides access to the Neuron Chip I/O, ~RESET, and ~SERVICE pins, and the power connection for the control module (see Chapter 4 for power supply requirements). P2 supports connection to the twisted pair data network, and for the TP/XF control modules, P2 also provides access to the network coupling transformer.

The pinout of the P1 and P2 connector terminals is shown in tables 1, 2, and 3. The I/O pin function names defined in table 1 are identical to the terms used in the Neuron Chip Data Book1 which defines the functions and electrical characteristics for those signal names listed in table 1. The I/O signals are connected directly to the Neuron 3150 Chip without buffering.

Control Module pin P1.9 is the Neuron Chip ~RESET pin. 

The ~RESET pin on the Neuron Chip may be driven externally or may be used as an open drain output to provide a reset signal for the application circuit. The details of the recommended circuit and loading on the Neuron Chip ~RESET pin are described in Reference [1]. The inherent loading on the ~RESET pin for the Control Modules is shown in table 4. The TP/XF-78F, TP/FT-10, and TP/FT-10F Control Modules include an on-board low voltage indicator (LVI).

The ~SERVICE pin of the Neuron Chip is accessible directly at P1.18. 

This pin is used for various network installation and maintenance scenarios. The function of this pin is described in Reference [1]. By default, the internal pull-up resistor for the ~SERVICE pin is enabled. Typical applications will use the circuit shown in figure 1. The internal pull-up may be disabled using a compiler directive #pragma disable_servpin_pullup in the application code targeted for the node. Typical applications do not require debounce conditioning of momentary push buttons attached to the ~SERVICE and ~RESET pins. The software response time associated with these inputs is long enough to effectively provide a software debounce for switches with a contact bounce settling time as long as 20 msec.


 Company product range

----------------------Ruichang Mingsheng Automation Equipment Co., Ltd----------------------

PLC module, programmable controller, CPU module, IO module, DO module, AI module, DI module

Network communication module,

Ethernet module, motion control module, analog input module, analog output module, digital input module, digital output

Module, redundancy module, power module, relay output module, relay input module, processor module

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