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  • GE DS200PCCAG2A Gas turbine channel module
GE DS200PCCAG2A Gas turbine channel module

GE DS200PCCAG2A Gas turbine channel module

GE DS200PCCAG2A Gas turbine channel module

Figure 4 presents the height restrictions of the component side of the control module. The board is divided into two height zones: the maximum height of components in the first zone is 0.20” (5.1mm). The second zone's components are 0.47" (11.93mm) for the TP/XF and TP/FT-10F control modules and 0.555" (14.1mm) for the TP/FT-10 control module. Care should be taken to ensure that no components on the application electronics board interfere with the height restricted areas of the control modules. Figure 5 shows the recommended PCB pad layout for the application electronics board to interconnect a control module with an application board that has socket strips mounted on the component side.

Power Requirements

 This section describes the power requirements for the control modules as well as considerations for noise filtering in order to comply with both conducted and radiated emissions requirements.

1. Assumes internal I/O pullups are disabled and I/O lines are not connected to a load. 2. Assumes ~SERVICE pullup is enabled. 3. Includes CMOS EPROM running typical application with system code. 4. These figures include typical PROM current consumption of 4mA at 5MHz or 5mA at 10MHz; the TP/FT-10F and TP/XF-78F figures include flash memory reads, however, flash memory writes require an additional 50mA. These figures exclude current due to loading on the I/O connector pins.

Control Module Power Requirements

 Twisted Pair Control Modules require a +5VDC power source with sufficient current to power the control module in all modes of operation. The supply current requirements for the control modules are outlined in table 6, which includes peak requirements for the different operating states of the Neuron Chip. The control modules require a 5V ±5% power supply. The current requirements are characterized for maximum number of nodes on the channel with I/O pins programmed as outputs at a logic low level with no load. The values in table 6 are subject to change. Please consult current data sheets for the latest information.


 Company product range

----------------------Ruichang Mingsheng Automation Equipment Co., Ltd----------------------

PLC module, programmable controller, CPU module, IO module, DO module, AI module, DI module

Network communication module,

Ethernet module, motion control module, analog input module, analog output module, digital input module, digital output

Module, redundancy module, power module, relay output module, relay input module, processor module

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