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DS200FGPAG1AHD combustion engine card

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Spare parts spare parts, the DCS control system of PLC system and the robot system spare parts,

Brand advantage: Allen Bradley, BentlyNevada, ABB, Emerson Ovation, Honeywell DCS, Rockwell ICS Triplex, FOXBORO, Schneider PLC, GE Fanuc, Motorola, HIMA, TRICONEX, Prosoft etc. Various kinds of imported industrial parts

DS200FGPAG1AHD combustion engine card

POWER FACTOR LAG 1(2) DROPOUT: When a lagging power factor drops below this level, the Power Factor Lag 1(2) condition will drop out. • POWER FACTOR LAG 1(2) DELAY: If the power factor equals or exceeds the POWER FACTOR LAG 1/2 PICKUP setpoint value and remains this way for the time delay programmed in this setpoint, a Power Factor Lag 1(2) condition will occur. If the power factor drops below the POWER FACTOR LAG 1(2) DROPOUT setpoint value, the Power Factor 1(2) lag condition will drop out. If the POWER FACTOR LAG 1(2) RELAY setpoint is set to “Alarm”, the alarm relay will deactivate and the POWER FACTOR LAG 1(2) ALARM message will be cleared. If the POWER FACTOR LAG 1(2) RELAY setpoint is set to “Aux1”, “Aux2”. or “Aux3”, the respective auxiliary relay will deactivate.PHASE A/B/C/NEUTRAL CURRENT DMD RELAY: Phase/neutral current demand detection can either be disabled or used as an alarm or process control. Set this setpoint to “Off” if the feature is not required. Selecting “Alarm” activates the alarm relay and displays an alarm message whenever a phase/neutral current demand level is equalled or exceeded. Selecting “Aux1”, “Aux2”, or “Aux3” activates the respective auxiliary relay with no message displayed. This is intended for process control. • PHASE A/B/C/NEUTRAL CURRENT DMD LEVEL: When the phase A/B/C/ or neutral current demand equals or exceeds this setpoint, a phase A/B/C or neutral demand alarm or process control indication occurs.


Three-phase positive/negative real power demand detection can either be disabled or used as an alarm or process control. Set this setpoint to “Off” if the feature is not required. Selecting “Alarm” activates the alarm relay and displays an alarm message whenever the positive/negative three-phase real power demand level is equalled or exceeded. Selecting “Aux1”, “Aux2”, or “Aux3” activates the respective auxiliary relay with no message displayed. This is intended for process control. • 3Φ POS/NEG REAL PWR DMD LEVEL: When the three-phase real power demand exceeds this setpoint, a three-phase positive/negative real power demand alarm or process control indication will occur. • 3Φ POS/NEG REACT PWR DMD RELAY: Three-phase positive/negative reactive power demand detection can either be disabled or used as an alarm or process control. Set to “Off” if this feature is not required. Selecting “Alarm” activates the alarm relay and displays an alarm message whenever the positive/negative three-phase reactive power demand level is equalled or exceeded. Selecting “Aux1”, “Aux2”, or “Aux3” activates the respective auxiliary relay with no message displayed. This is intended for process control. • 3Φ POS/NEG REACT PWR DMD LEVEL: When the three-phase reactive power demand equals or exceeds this setpoint, a three-phase positive/negative reactive power demand alarm or process control indication will occur. • 3Φ APPARENT POWER DEMAND RELAY: Three-phase apparent power demand detection can be disabled or used as an alarm or process control. Set to “Off” if this feature is not required. Selecting “Alarm” activates the alarm relay and displays an alarm message if the three-phase apparent power demand level is equalled or exceeded. Selecting “Aux1”, “Aux2”, or “Aux3” activates the respective auxiliary relay with no message displayed. This is intended for process control.

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