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  • GE DS200PCCAG5A Output expansion card
GE DS200PCCAG5A Output expansion card

GE DS200PCCAG5A Output expansion card

GE DS200PCCAG5A Output expansion card

Due to the many cabling and termination options available for the TP/FT-10 channel, please refer to the FTT-10 Free Topology Transceiver User's Guide or FTT-10A Free Topology Transceiver User's Guide, as applicable, for information on wire characteristics and terminations. Cable Terminations – Free Topology TP/FT-10 and TP/FT-10F In a TP/FT-10 free topology segment, only one termination is required and may be placed anywhere on the free topology segment. There are two choices for the termination: 1. RC network (figure 6), with R1 = 52.3 Ohms 2. LPI-10 Link Power Interface, with jumper at "1 CPLR" setting.

Cable Terminations 

– Doubly Terminated Bus Topology TP/FT-10 and TP/FT-10F In a TP/FT-10 doubly terminated bus topology, two terminations are required, one at each end of the bus. There are two choices for each termination: 1. RC network (figure 6), with R1 = 105 Ohms. 2. LPI-10 Link Power Interface, with jumper at "2 CPLR" setting if resident on a link power segment. At this time, only one LPI-10 Interface is supported per segment, so at least one of the terminations must be the RC-type.1. Observe polarity shown for C1 and C2. 2. C1 and C2 are recommended. They are required for connection to link power networks and are optional for non-link power networks.

Wire Characteristics 

TP/XF-78, TP/XF-78F, TP/XF-1250, and TP-RS485 The TP/XF-78, TP/XF-78F, TP/XF-1250, and TP-RS485 control modules are designed for distributed control applications using low-cost, Level IV twisted pair wire. The characteristics of the wire used to implement a network will affect the overall system performance with respect to total distance, stub length, and total number of nodes supported on a single channel. The control modules have been qualified using only Level IV, 22 AWG (0.65mm) twisted pair cable for the primary bus, and either Level IV, 24AWG (0.5mm) or Level IV, 22AWG cable for stubs where stubs are permitted. Under no circumstances should smaller gauge Level IV cable be substituted for Level IV, 22 AWG (0.65mm) twisted pair cable for the bus, or should Category IV cable be used in lieu of Level IV cable. Echelon periodically qualifies new cables for twisted pair transceivers, and it is advisable to check with Echelon from time to time to determine if new cables are available for use with the control modules.


 Company product range

----------------------Ruichang Mingsheng Automation Equipment Co., Ltd----------------------

PLC module, programmable controller, CPU module, IO module, DO module, AI module, DI module

Network communication module,

Ethernet module, motion control module, analog input module, analog output module, digital input module, digital output

Module, redundancy module, power module, relay output module, relay input module, processor module

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