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GE IS200STCIH4A DC input card

  • Product ID: IS200STCIH4A
  • Brand: GE
  • Place of origin: The United States
  • Goods status: new/used
  • Delivery date: stock
  • The quality assurance period: 365 days
  • Phone/WhatsApp/WeChat:+86 15270269218
  • Email:stodcdcs@gmail.com
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GE IS200STCIH4A DC input card

Vector Compares: VCC and VCCZ Vector ALU comparisons set the Vector Condition Code (VCC) register (1=pass, 0=fail). Also, vector compares have the option of setting EXEC to the VCC value. There is also a VCC summary bit (vccz) that is set to 1 when the VCC result is zero. This is useful for early-exit branch tests. VCC is also set for selected integer ALU operations (carryout). Vector compares have the option of writing the result to VCC (32-bit instruction encoding) or to any SGPR (64-bit instruction encoding). VCCZ is updated every time VCC is updated: vector compares and scalar writes to VCC.

The EXEC mask determines

 which threads execute an instruction. The VCC indicates which executing threads passed the conditional test, or which threads generated a carry-out from an integer add or subtract.VCC is fully written; there are no partial mask updates.  VCC physically resides in the SGPR register file, so when an instruction sources VCC, that counts against the limit on the total number of SGPRs that can be sourced for a given instruction. VCC physically resides in the highest two user SGPRs. When used by a wave32, the upper 32 bits of VCC are unused and only the lower 32 bits of VCC contribute to the value of VCCZ.

Trap and Exception registers 

Each type of exception can be enabled or disabled independently by setting, or clearing, bits in the TRAPSTS register’s EXCP_EN field. This section describes the registers which control and report kernel exceptions. All Trap temporary SGPRs (TTMP*) are privileged for writes - they can be written only when in the trap handler (status.priv = 1). When not privileged, writes to these are ignored. TMA and TBA are read-only; they can be accessed through S_GETREG_B32. When a trap is taken (either user initiated, exception or host initiated)HT is set to one for host initiated traps, and zero for user traps (s_trap) or exceptions. TRAP_ID is zero for exceptions, or the user/host trapID for those traps. When the trap handler is entered, the PC of the faulting instruction will be: (PC - PC_rewind*4).


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