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ABB 48990001-FK DSSR 116 Industrial card

ABB 48990001-FK DSSR 116 Industrial card

On-line Updates resulted in unexpected behavior to POUs with names that have leading or trailing spaces - PSA 2013-10-002 (answer id. 568726) Program Organization Units (POUs) that contained leading or trailing spaces in their names can cause variables in those POU's to revert to their configured (or default) initial values instead of current values after the completion of an on-line update. This can result in unexpected logic behavior after an on-line update. POU names include programs, functions and Function Block names. Changes to the Workbench have been made to detect and prevent this from occurring.

Full size Modbus write packets

 AADvance controllers using modus (TCP or RTU) were unable to write the full 125 word (or 2000 Boolean) data packets. Changes to the controller have been made to prevent this is from occurring.  Workbench out of Memory error Applications programs with a large number of resources (> 16) could cause the PC to run out of memory which resulted in the Workbench hanging. Changes to the Workbench have been made to prevent this from occurring.

The following restrictions still apply to this release.

  Importing/exporting to/from Excel The Workbench provides the option to export/import to and from Microsoft Excel, this function will only work fully when using Excel 2007 or above. If a user has an older version of Excel they still have the option to export/import to and from CSV files  Processor firmware versions must be the same Multiple processors must contain the same version of firmware for synchronized operation. You can check the loaded firmware versions and download the latest versions if required using ControlFLASH (see the AADvance Configuration Guide for detailed procedures).


Our superior products

ABB -- AC 800M controller, Bailey, PM866 controller, IGCT silicon controlled 5SHY 3BHB01 3BHEO0 3HNA00 DSOC series

BENTLY --- 3500 system/proximitor, front and rear cards, sensors, power modules, probes, cables

Emerson -- modbus card, power panel, controller, power supply, base, power module, switch

EPRO --- Data acquisition module, probe, speed sensor, vibration sensor, shaft vibration transmitter, proximitor

FOXBORO - thermal resistance input/output module, power module, communication module, cable, controller, switch

GE --- module, air switch, I/O module, display, CPU module, power module, converter, CPU board, Ethernet module, integrated protection device, power module, gas turbine card

HIMA --- DI module, processor module, AI card, pulse encoder

Honeywell --- Secure digital output card, program module, analog input card, CPU module, FIM card

MOOG - servo valve, controller, module, power module

NI --- Information acquisition card, PXI module, card, chassis multi-channel control card

WESTINGHOUSE --- RTD thermal resistance input module, AI/AO/DI/DO module, power module, control module, base module

Woodward - Regulator, module, controller, governor

YOKOGAWA - Servo module, control cabinet node unit

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