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  • ABB TC501V150 3BSC550038R3 Switching value module
ABB TC501V150 3BSC550038R3 Switching value module

ABB TC501V150 3BSC550038R3 Switching value module

ABB TC501V150 3BSC550038R3 Switching value module

Your first task is to add the MVI46-101M module to the project. 1 Use the mouse to select "Default Module" in the tree view, and then click the right mouse button to open a shortcut menu. 2 On the shortcut menu, choose "Choose Module Type". This action opens the Choose Module Type dialog box.3 In the PRODUCT LINE FILTER area of the dialog box, select MVI46. 4 In the SELECT MODULE TYPE dropdown list, select MVI46-101M, and then click OK to save your settings and return to the ProSoft Configuration Builder window. The next task is to set the module parameters.

Renaming PCB Objects

 Notice that the contents of the information pane and the configuration pane changed when you added the module to the project.At this time, you may wish to rename the Default Project and Default Location folders in the tree view. 1 Select the object, and then click the right mouse button to open a shortcut menu. From the shortcut menu, choose RENAME. 2 Type the name to assign to the object. 3 Click away from the object to save the new name.

Configuring Module Parameters 

1 Click on the [+] sign next to the module icon to expand module information. 2 Click on the [+] sign next to any icon to view module information and configuration options. 3 Double-click any icon to open an Edit dialog box. 4 To edit a parameter, select the parameter in the left pane and make your changes in the right pane. 5 Click OK to save your changes. Printing a Configuration File 1 Select the module icon, and then click the right mouse button to open a shortcut menu. 2 On the shortcut menu, choose VIEW CONFIGURATION. This action opens the View Configuration window. 3 In the View Configuration window, open the FILE menu, and choose PRINT. This action opens the Print dialog box. 4 In the Print dialog box, choose the printer to use from the drop-down list, select printing options, and then click OK


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