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  • ABB 3BHB002001R0012 Output Personality Module
ABB 3BHB002001R0012 Output Personality Module

ABB 3BHB002001R0012 Output Personality Module

ABB 3BHB002001R0012 Output Personality Module

If set to Yes, a single character ACK (0xE5) will be sent instead of a fixed length ACK (secondary function code 0) in response to a primary link function code 0, 1 or 3 if there is no access demand for class 1 data (ACD=1). If set to No, the fixed length ACK will be sent. 2.3.9 Use Balanced Mode Y - YES or N - NO This parameter specifies if the port will use balanced mode. If balanced mode is used, only one controlled station will be permitted on the port. If unbalanced mode is used, multiple controlled stations can be used on a port. Refer to module Initialization for more information on these modes.

[IEC-101 Master Commands]

 This section contains the commands for the module. This section can contain up to 1000 user defined commands to be executed by the module and sent to the controlled devices. There is no need to place Class 1 or Class 2 polls in this list for the controlled devices as the master driver for each port will execute these automatically when the port is idle. In order for the port to be idle, make sure that there is idle time available and that the commands do not constantly utilize the ports. The command list section starts with a reserved label START and ends with the label END. Each row in the file corresponds to an individual command with the first character position in each row left blank (white space).

Enable Code 

0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled, will execute using Poll Interval parameter (page 30) (seconds) 2 = Conditional (executed when point in database changes) This field defines whether the command is to be executed, and under what conditions. To disable the command, set this parameter to 0 (Disabled). You can still execute commands through the processor, using a Special Function block. To enable the command, set this parameter to 1.  Set the Poll Interval Time to 0 to execute the command during each scan of the command list.  Set the Poll Interval Time to a value in seconds, to execute the command at the specified interval (page 30). To execute the command only if the internal data associated with the command changes, set this parameter to 2. This value is valid only for write commands.


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