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  • ABB 3BHB002229R0001 Output personality card
ABB 3BHB002229R0001 Output personality card

ABB 3BHB002229R0001 Output personality card

ABB 3BHB002229R0001 Output personality card

Database Index is the location in the module’s database to use as the source for the data in the command. The data type (page 31) field determines the meaning of the index. 2.4.3 Poll Interval This parameter specifies the minimum frequency at which the module should execute the command when the Enable Code is set to one 1. The value is entered in units of seconds. For example, to execute a command every 10 seconds, enter a value of 10 in the field. A value of 0 for the parameter implies that the command should be executed every scan of the list, as quickly as possible.Session Index represents the session index in the module to associate with the command. This index is set when the session is read in from this file. The range of values for this field is 0 to 31.

Qualifier Parameter

 The Qualifier Parameter field defined for a command depends on the data type used in the command. In order to compute the qualifier for a command, add all the values for the features to use with a command together to form a single number. This number should be entered in the command record. Each data set is discussed below:The last item in the Data type dropdown list is user-defined. If you select USER DEFINED from the dropdown list, a text box will appear below the list. You may enter any data type code in this text box that will be accepted by the destination slave.

The value field for the different data types 

can be derived from the module’s database or that set in the command. The User Override bit is utilized to select the source of the data value. The values for each data type are defined below:The value field for the qualifier can be derived from the module’s database or be that defined in the qualifier. If the override flag is used, the module will issue the command using the values contained in the qualifier defined for the command. If the override flag is not set, the module will use the value in the database to send to the controlled device. The values to use for the override flag are as follows:  0=Use value in database (value field should be set to zero for qualifier parameter)  512=Use override value for state (preferred when using block 9902 with value field set for command to execute)


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