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  • ABB 3HNE06225-1/07 AEXB-02 Serial Link Controller
ABB 3HNE06225-1/07 AEXB-02 Serial Link Controller

ABB 3HNE06225-1/07 AEXB-02 Serial Link Controller

ABB 3HNE06225-1/07 AEXB-02 Serial Link Controller

In balanced mode, this parameter specifies the number of retries (0 to 255) if a response is not received. In unbalanced mode, this parameter is ignored.(two raised to the power of 32, minus one) milliseconds This parameter sets the number of milliseconds to wait for a confirm response from the controlled device This parameter sets the maximum number of Class 1 and Class 2 polls performed on this session before trying the next session. This parameter prevents a session from monopolizing the communication port.

This parameter sets the maximum number of class 1 polls performed on this session before switching to another session. This parameter prevents a session from monopolizing the communication port.This parameter specifies the method used to perform automatic clock synchronization. 0 performs a synchronization without delay, 1 performs synchronization using the fixed Propagation Delay and 2 computes the delay and use this value when synchronization takes place.

ACTTERM with setpoint

 Yes or No This parameter determines if an ACTTERM will be sent. If the parameter is set to Yes, then setpoint commands will issue an ACTTERM when the command is complete. If the parameter is set to No, ACTCON is the last response to a setpoint command.This parameter sets the common ASDU address to association with this sector of the specified session. The range of address for this parameter are dependent on the length value set in the session section.

This parameter specifies if a time tag field is to be included with commands. This is as specified in the IEC-870-5-104 specification and should only be utilized if the controlled device supports these new data types. If the parameter is set to Yes, a time tag will be added to all commands. If the parameter is set to No, the normal IEC 60870-5-101 data type messages will be utilized.

[IEC-101 Master Session x Sector y] 

This section defines Sector z, which belongs to Session y. The Sector Count parameter within each session definition specifies the number of sectors for the session. Each sector has a corresponding [IEC-101 Master Session y Sector z] section, where y represents the session index and z represents the sector index. The sectors are referenced by a zero-based index value. For example, if Session 0 is configured for four sectors, the configuration file should contain sections for Sectors 0 to 3 (that is, [IEC-101 Master Session 0 Sector 0] to [IEC-101 Master Session 0 Sector 3]). The parameter set and database for Sector z is defined in this section.


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