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  • ABB CI615K01 3BSE000756R1 Voltage interface module
ABB CI615K01 3BSE000756R1 Voltage interface module

ABB CI615K01 3BSE000756R1 Voltage interface module

ABB CI615K01 3BSE000756R1 Voltage interface module

Viewing Port Communication Status Press [Q] to view the port communication status for the application port. Use this command to view communication status and statistics for the selected port. This information can be informative when trouble-shooting communication problems. Opening the Session Configuration Menu Press [S] to open the Session Configuration menu. Use this command to view the session configuration data. Refer to Session Configuration Menu for more information about the commands on this menu.

Press [P] to view configuration information for the application port. Use this command to display detailed configuration information for the port.

Data Analyzer 

The data analyzer mode allows you to view all bytes of data transferred on each port. Both the transmitted and received data bytes are displayed. Use of this feature is limited without a thorough understanding of the protocol. Note: The Port selection commands on the Data Analyzer menu differs very slightly in different modules, but the functionality is basically the same. Use the illustration above as a general guide only. Refer to the actual data analyzer menu on your module for the specific port commands to use. Important: When in analyzer mode, program execution will slow down. Only use this tool during a troubleshooting session. Before disconnecting from the Config/Debug port, please press [S] to stop the data analyzer, and then press [M] to return to the main menu. This action will allow the module to resume its normal high speed operating mode.

Displaying Timing Marks in the Data Analyzer 

You can display timing marks for a variety of intervals in the data analyzer screen. These timing marks can help you determine communication-timing characteristics.

Press [H] from the Database View menu to display the data on the current page in hexadecimal format. Viewing Data in ASCII (Text) Format Press [A] from the Database View menu to display the data on the current page in ASCII format. This is useful for regions of the database that contain ASCII data. Starting the Data Analyzer Press [B] to start the data analyzer. After the key is pressed, all data transmitted and received on the currently selected port will be displayed. The following illustration shows an example


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