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  • ABB CI820 3BSE013200R1 Analog quantity card
ABB CI820 3BSE013200R1 Analog quantity card

ABB CI820 3BSE013200R1 Analog quantity card

ABB CI820 3BSE013200R1 Analog quantity card

All data transferred between the module and the processor over the backplane is through the M1 file. Ladder logic must be written in the SLC processor to interface the M-file data with data defined in the user-defined data files in the SLC. All data used by the module is stored in its internal database. Data contained in this database is constantly updated with the M1 file data by the module and requires no SLC ladder logic to implement. The user database resides in the M1 file at addresses 0 to 3999. Addresses above 3999 are used for special block control of the module.Monitored Dual-point Information: This data type stores a dual-point binary input value (that is, valve status).

Data Type Mapping and Addressing 

When interfacing data in the processor to that of the IEC 60870-5-101 protocol, it is important that the user understand the mapping of the data types to their corresponding representation in the modules database. The table that follows lists the data types supported by the module and their associated storage representation.Monitored Bitstring of 32-bit data: This data type stores 32-bit data in binary form. Each bit in the string has a value of 0 or 1. Associated timetagged event information for this type are M_BO_TA_1 (8) and M_BO_TB_1 (33).

Another important concept to understand 

is the direction of data transfer for the different data types with reference to the controller. The following illustration shows the data types (monitored data) that are transferred from the module to the processor.The next diagram shows the movement of control data from the processor to the module. This data is then sent to the controlled devices on the serial networks.Ladder logic in the SLC can control the module or devices on the serial network using special control blocks. The following table lists the special control codes (block numbers) used by the module:Registers 4000 to 4099 report module status data. This data area should be copied to a user file for use in the SLC. The Reference chapter of this document contains a listing of the contents of this data area.


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